"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

December 8, 2016

Holiday fun

One of the big reasons, for my sister coming to visit on this particular weekend, was so that we could binge watch all of this the day after Thanksgiving when it came on Netflix! 

Which we did! 
We were tremendously happy to be the biggest couch potatoes ever! And I still felt queasy, so it was the perfect day!
It was 6 hours long and it took us 8. 
We ate GG related junk food and Thanksgiving leftovers and had the best time!
-My sister manages a well known playhouse I n CA and even she thought theater scene was weird and random. Lol  And the ending...oh my!

Saturday morning we went out to breakfast and then Christmas tree shopping!
We loved the first tree we saw

My cute sister, the tree hugger!

The next day, we took a three hour road trip to America's oldest city, St. Augustine. 
This is what sight seeing looks like with Pokemon Go playing peeps. lol


 So, Jen and I just tried to make sure no one stepped off the curb in their excitment to catch whatever it was they were all catching. ; )

My young adults supposedly took a wrong turn headed towards home, amazingly enough, on our way to the lighthouse! lol  Which left us on our own. : )
But by this time, we didn't have it in us to walk up 219 steps to the top and decided pictures from the ground level were just great.

So grateful for a very memberable Thanksgiving weekend with people we love!

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