"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

July 5, 2016

Waffles and what?

So, I kept hearing about chicken and waffles and I tried them a couple months ago at a place that has the word 'waffle' in their name and I was very unimpressed.
But over the weekend, I was hanging out home alone with the Gilmore Girls ; )
(because my weekends are that exciting) and I decided to try making them myself.

I always buy breaded frozen chicken from Trader Joe's that my kids can make into sandwiches in a hurry and instead of baking some of the those, I fried a couple. (bad, I know!)
Then I used a mix to make waffles in my waffle maker and finally, I made a sauce that I found online which I spread on top of the it all!
It was pretty much Comfort Food Heaven, Y'All, which was totally the plan!  

Here is the sauce, which doesn't sound good but totally is!
 (this will feed way more than one person)

1 1/2 cups of mayo
1/3 cup maple syrup (the real stuff!)
3 T. Dijon mustard  (I had to substitute with spicy brown)

I wanted to be all food-bloggerish and post a picture but they just didn't look as good as they tasted.


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