"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

May 24, 2016

His goodness

"I would have despaired unless I believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living."
Ps. 27:13
Here's a little touch of His goodness in our lives:

1. It is our last week of school! Glory, glory!
I was just sure Andrew would have to do schoolwork all summer to make up for the time he missed during Hubby's hospital stays and everything, but he pulled it off!
So, the hardest school year ever, will end on Friday. Yay! Super proud of him! And very grateful to still be on this homeschooling journey.

2. As of yesterday, all of my Hubby's medical bills are paid!
I can't tell you how much mailing that last check meant to me! Still in awe of God's provision! -There's nothing like it!

3.  We are going to CA again!
Our amazing friends and family who live out there, blessed the kids with plane tickets and all five us are going!  -Pretty sure this is all part of their not-so-secret-agenda to get us to move there! ; )  They are so sweet!
We can't wait to see Nathan! We miss him terribly! And we will get to attend my niece's wedding, and the high school graduation of some very dear friends. I will also get to be there when my dad has back surgery. And then some of our friends are coming back with us for some summer fun, which will make leaving a whole lot easier!

It has been a very difficult six months, but God has graciously been healing us and continually showing us His goodness, in big and small ways, and it means so much!


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