"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

February 16, 2015

Our prayer

On the day after the second surgery, when I was praying, I felt like the Lord put on my heart that it will be 'smooth sailing' in Hubby's recovery process from here on out. 

Hubby was on a ventilator at the time. But later that day, when it was out and he could speak, we prayed this to be so. 
He said he'd like a plaque of that phrase and Etsy does not disappoint when you want something that random! : ) 

I ordered this and framed it for him: 

And I asked Whimsy Studios to please put the date on the print somewhere, and she did! In the corner of the boat. I love it!  (it is much cuter in person and not under glass, by the way)

So, this is what we are praying and believing for!
And when the way seems to get bumpy, we pray harder. : )


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