Every year before school starts, I look for new recipes for breakfast. (eventually that all wears off and they get instant oatmeal -lol)
Here is the breakfast they liked best so far:
Cooked sausage links, rolled inside of croissant roll dough with cheese and then baked.
Speaking of food -Honey roasted sunflower seeds, where have you been all my life?! They are amazing!
Both of our kids are enjoying running on the treadmill for PE. One has a crazy new app that motivates them with a story that has zombies chasing them while they run. The more/faster they run the better and the more of the story they get to hear. Too funny! -I'm opting to work out minus the zombies, thanks!
Last week, my daughter and I had the chance to represent our favorite curriculum at another convention.(Yay!) Having a homeschooling convention after all the public, private and homeschoolers have already started school, may not have been the best idea. It was held at a nice hotel on the beach, and I'm pretty sure if it was still summer, lots of HS moms would have said to their husbands, "Honey, I really need to go to this conference and get psyched for the new school year" because what mom would not enjoy a weekend at the beach with her other homeschooling girlfriends? Awesome!
All that to say, it was a LONG day that we spent wishing we had more people to talk to.
When it ended, we loaded up the van and then headed to our favorite beach, which happened to be just down the street. Because you can't drive that far and be down the street from your favorite beach, especially after this day, and not go! (because that was quite a day!)
The water was a glorious sea green and warm and we swam and enjoyed ourselves for a solid 30 minutes until the black clouds of summer rolled in and rained on our dinner picnic. Oh well.
Since then, the beach has been calling my name and I plan on answering this weekend at the soonest possible moment. : )
We also plan to break out the deep fryer that one of our boys bought us for Christmas a couple of years ago. After the first try, we realized that we needed to buy a GALLON of oil to pull off frying anything and well, you feel a little weird buying a whole gallon of oil and knowing that you are going to soak your food in it. ; ) But we plan to get over that and give it another go. We are going to try wings this time. (which are not my thing, because why go to that much work for so little meat? -but the males in the house don't share my viewpoint) It should be an artery-clogging good time! Hope yours is too! ; ) (good time, that is)