"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

May 24, 2013

Graduation time!

What a week!
There were tears.
There were a gazillion graduation errands to run.
There was some sweet reminiscing over baby photos of the graduate, pulled out to make into a slide show.
There was a senior dinner to attend. 
There was a party to throw for other grads in our fellowship.
There was homeschooling and end-of-the-year testing and stress...
There was a diploma that arrived in the mail. Oh happy day!
There are still ties to locate, 
packing to do,
a gown to iron, 
and a dog to deliver....
But then we will load up the car and head to Orlando and all the graduation festivities with the other 200+ home educated graduates in our state will begin! 
And so will begin the reflecting,
on the goodness of God to us over all these years.
And I'm sure there will be more tears.
 The thankful kind.


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