"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

December 9, 2009

More quotes I like

from Oswald Chambers:

"Prayer does not fit us for greater works, prayer is the greater work."

"The passion of Christianity is that I deliberately sign away my own rights and become a bond slave of Jesus Christ."

"Self pity is of the devil, if I go off on that line I cannot be used by God for His purposes in the world."

"Never allow a truth of God that is brought home to your soul to pass without acting on it, not necessarily physically, but in will. Record it, with ink or with blood." (whoa!)

"He (God) can crumple me or exalt me. He can do anything He chooses. He simply asks me to have implicit faith in Himself and in His goodness."

"The Lord does not give me rules, He makes His standard very clear, and if my relationship to Him is that of love, I will do what He says without any hesitation. If I hesitate, it is because I love someone else in competition with Him, i.e. MYSELF." (ouch!)

"If you are going through a time of discouragement, there is a big personal enlargement ahead."

"Never allow this thought 'I am of no use where I am' because you certainly can be of no use where you are not." : )

"Wherever God has dumped you down in circumstances, pray to Him all the time. You labor at prayer and results happen all the time from His standpoint." Amen!


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