"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

February 7, 2007

Wednesdays in the Word

I've been enjoying 2 Samuel 6 this week.

I love, love, love David's passion in worshipping the Lord as he brings the ark of the covenant to the tabernacle in Jerusalem. "Then David danced before the Lord with all his might" v.14
and "King David (was) leaping and whirling before the Lord." v.16
Of course, he couldn't do all that in his kingly robe, so he had thrown that off. He then looked like a commoner and that really made his wife upset. It says that when she saw him out there dancing and leaping "she despised him in her heart."
After blessing every woman and man with a loaf of bread, (I would not have wanted to be David's baker on that day!) a piece of meat and a cake of raisins, he went home "to bless his household." I thought that was sweet but the welcome he received from Michal wasn't sweet. She let him have it. His answer to her is awesome and I can't read read it without hearing
David Crowder's version of Undignified in my head.
David told her "I will be even more undignified than this and will be humble in my own sight."

Here are the song lyrics (you could hear a smidge of it on iTunes)

"I will dance
I will sing
to be mad for my King
Nothing Lord
is hindering
this passion in my soul

And I'll become
even more undignified than this
some may say
it's foolishness
but I'll become even more undignified than this
leave my pride
by my side
And I'll become
even more undignified than this....
It's all for you my Lord!"

Isn't that great?! I love the "leave my pride by my side" part. That is hard to do. I used to care too much about being dignified during worship. It took a really low place in life with some painful circumstances to help me start to change. Focusing on wanting more of Him and caring much, much less about what anyone thinks -is the place to be! That is the sweet by product of horrible trials! They change you. And through them, we learn to "love much."
But blessings have a way of lulling me into complacency. Desperation and complacency don't mix. Oh, how I wish I had the same level of desperation for God when life is great. And that I would be "even more undignified than this."


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